Insight and execution that drives superior results.

Innovative. Adaptable. Collaborative.

Access Mining was designed as an underground mining contractor to deliver higher yields by working with you. We’re a value-adding contract partner rather than a ‘bolt-on’ supplier.
We integrate with you at all levels of your operation to identify areas of improvement that will lead to improved results for you and by extension, us.

Sustainability. The Key to Improved Performance.

Our approach allows us to deliver higher performance and access the best resources in people, equipment and knowledge. It drives sustainable progress. Innovation and results are at the forefront of everything we do.

Sustainable People

Our success is linked directly to our people. We employ those that are the best at what they do and we recognise their contributions.

Sustainable Clients

Adding value to our Clients enables ongoing business for us. We take time to understand and align ourselves with our Client's needs.

Sustainable Partners

Our success is reliant on strong relationships with our supply partners. Our suppliers are aligned with our values and those of our Clients.

Access Mining Australia Underground Mining Equipment

How we do it at Access Mining

By listening to understand, not just simply to hear.
We believe that together, our relationships enable powerful outcomes.

That’s why one of our most important relationship is with our people – they are experts who are inspired to do things with a best-for-project outlook.

Our team focuses on finding transformative ways to deliver better value to our clients, each other, our communities, and to us.

We have a culture built on frank and open relationships. This provides greater responsiveness and we find answers to common problems together.

And that is genuinely sustainable success for everyone.