Fit for purpose – miner proof??

The Kovatera is a fit for purpose LV for the hard rock underground conditions. As underground mining specialists Access Mining need fit for purpose equipment. And the preferred Access Mining light vehicle is the Kovatera

Fit for purpose – doesn’t usually exist outside the big gear for hard rock underground. The conditions we have ug mean massive modifications to “off the shelf” vehicles.

Take the light vehicle (LV). We take an offroad ute (usually a Landcruiser and not really fit for purpose), slap on a custom tray, heavier suspension, ROPS, FOPS, lights, beepers, bullbar, HD seat covers etc etc, pretty soon you’ve added 50% or more to the cost.

And then you’ve got the wear and tear of normal operation which makes it an expensive machine. The chassis is usually the bit that sees the worst of the ug conditions and can see a ute unserviceable in 2 or 3 years.

Out of the box thinking is something we highly value at Access Mining, and the Kovatera is a no brainer as far as LVs go.

Built for underground, sturdy, roomy (no need to take off the miners belt!) with a payload capacity that makes the typical LV look like a skinny-armed wimp. And all the main wear parts easy to clean, maintain and even replace – even parts of the chassis. No more turfing the vehicle away because the chassis has rusted out after 2 years.

And with the backing and excellent support of our supply partners Drivetrain – it just makes sense.
Built to handle the tough, but not tough to handle.
(Might need to copyright that…).

Its just another example of where Access Mining look outside what has always been taken for granted and ask the question – can we find a better solution? Can we add more.

After all that’s what we are all about. Access Mining – more than ore

#fitforpurpose #kovatera #drivetrain #undergroundmining #thinkoutsidethebox #sustainablevehicles

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