Impact is important at Access Mining and in underground hard rock mining. At Access Mining we encourage our people to have input and impact. High performance development and production means sustainable people who are supported to make an impact.

Access Mining culture has at its’ core an environment where our people have impact. That’s why it is one of our values.

Hard rock underground mining is challenging. Development and production work spread over wide areas underground, limited communications – means we need to be effective.

Feeling heard and seeing change coming from ideas suggested by any level of our organisation is important to us. We employ experts so we can listen to them.

Access Mining people bring impact because they know the context for improvement. We try to get barriers out of their way to deliver high performance for our clients.

Our superstar “impact bringers” always:
·      Demonstrate consistent, strong performance so others can rely on them.
·      Have a bias towards action rather than “analysis paralysis”.
·      Collaborate with others to produce successful outcomes.

It can be easy to sit on the side lines for fear of making suggestions that will be ridiculed. Or these days it can feel easy or less exhausting to stay silent. But even choosing to do nothing has impact. Is it any less exhausting to see the team struggle, or to watch things get done the hard way?

Plenty of workplaces (and managers) are too busy to even listen to ideas on improvement. However rework, and doing things harder is unnecessary and only makes things busier.

Everybody wants to achieve. The only way for achieving lasting, consistent high performance is as a team, a collaboration on a common goal. It’s true that an individual team is greater than those teams of individuals. Do your bit well, and work with others to help them do their bit better. And have a bit of fun while you’re at it!

Do you feel you are having an impact in your workplace? It’s never too late to try.

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