Have impact

Access Mining culture has at its’ core an environment where our people have impact. That’s why it is one of our values. Hard rock underground mining is challenging. Development and production work spread over wide areas underground, limited communications – means we need to be effective. Feeling heard and seeing change coming from ideas suggested […]
Communication in underground mining. Simple??

Well communication in underground mining is simple. Isn’t it? Sending a message is simple – but communicating your message well isn’t easy. How well do you, your team, or your organisation deliver messages in a manner that achieves the desired outcome? How often do you think to yourself “Well, that would’ve been nice to know […]
That’s a lot of rock!

Metals mined in 2021. Without doubt mining is critical to our advancement. Critical too is our questioning how we can do it better. Sustainable mining means sustainable environments, sustainable people, sustainable partnerships, sustainable communities.At Access Mining, we engage the brightest talent to continually ask and answer the question “Can we do this better?”. #mining #sustainable #people #accessmining […]
Innovation culture – is it just high tech?

Innovation and an innovation culture is not always simply the latest in new technology. Although that is certainly cool. An innovation sometimes comes from the least likely sources within an organisation. Often times, we just have to create the environment where different voices can be heard. Different outlooks and perspectives are often enough to make […]